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first phase project中文是什么意思

用"first phase project"造句"first phase project"怎么读"first phase project" in a sentence


  • 一期工程


  • By summarizing the implementation and practice in the first phase project , we accumulated some practical experiences and established a stable basis for the group ' s internal network construction
  • Hainan kangmiao agriculture development co . ltd . , cofinanced by jlpec ' s hainan co . and its refinery , its first phase project has been put into operation since march 2002 . the project has the characteristics of operating fast and gaining high
  • Achieved sales revenue 2005 1 many , growing with the high speed of 60 % now , admit need to get used to an enterprise , the company buys 150 mus of land newly in hangzhou economy developing zone , first phase project already in april 2006 the portion builds go into operation formally
    2005年实现销售收入1个多亿,现正以60 %的高速增长,为适应企业发展需要,公司在杭州经济开发区新购150亩土地,一期工程已于2006年4月份正式建成投产。
  • The first phase project of " software factory " at the science and technology park in the south east , east of technology incubators , the south by the rapid corridors on the 6th road , technology park to the west side of the trunk road thumb road , north of the park planning for roads , namely technology southwest of the main park entrance
  • For foreign applicant , must combine with domestic applicant with level a license for planning or architectural design as a joint venture to achieve the planning and architectural design sites for tianjin international conference & exhibition center , and then together to achieve the first phase project design , figures 、 the basic concept design for decoration , and afterwards service design
  • Foreign applicant must combine with domestic applicant with level a license for planning or architectural design as a joint venture to achieve the planning and architectural design sites for tianjin international conference & exhibition center , and then together to achieve the first phase project design , figures , the basic concept design for decoration , and afterwards service design
用"first phase project"造句  
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